Tag Archives: the double

Have you tried turning it off and back on again… I was in the same room as Moss!! (aka Richard Ayoade!)

Ok so one of my dreams came true this week.. I was in the same room as Richard Ayoade!!! So maybe it wasn’t a huge dream and maybe this really doesn’t mean much to most, but I’ve  had an unhealthy geek crush on him since I became obsessed with the IT crowd early last year.

This past Tuesday, I not only got to watch the latest film he directed, The Double, but I also got to stay for a Q&A session that was held after the film where Richard Ayoade answered questions from the audience!! Needless to say, I was grinning from ear to ear before and after the event! And I’m still smiling every time I think about it! Only in London would I get to experience this!

I randomly got into the IT crowd one day when I was home sick from work and Netflix on my IPad was my only option for entertainment… hello netflix marathon!! As is what normally happens when watching a series on Netflix, I was able to watch all 4 seasons in a matter of days!  My favorite episode was where Roy (Chris O’Dowd) is dating a girl whose parents tragically died in a fire at a Seaparks.  Being from Canada, I have no idea what a Seaparks was but Roy’s determination in trying to figure out how a fire could possibly start in a park surrounded by water was incredibly funny!

So after finishing season after season of the IT crowd I was determined to find out more about the guy who played Moss.  I found out that not only is he an actor, but he had also directed music videos for the Arctic Monkeys and had directed a film called Submarine.  I still have to watch the entire movie. I also found out he is happily married which just goes to show that nice, intelligent, geeky, guys can also get the girl! Now… to try and find out where in London these guys hang out…. hmm…

Anyhow, fast forward a year later to March, when my flatmate had gotten a package from BFI and I saw that they were going to be showing a film directed by him followed by a Q&A! I couldn’t believe it!! We quickly decided that we were going to be in the audience of that show!! And my super awesome flat mate was able to snag the last 3 seats!! Meant to be? I think so!

I could hardly contain my excitement during dinner Tuesday evening, and was trying very hard not to keep checking the time to make sure that we wouldn’t be late for the show and potentially miss it.. We had plenty of time, I just like to worry about things I don’t need to worry about 🙂

Finally, it was time for the film!  And I have to say I was pleasantly surprised.  I’m generally not a fan of dark comedies or “artsy” films.  Not because they aren’t great films, but I generally have a hard time watching depressing movies or reading depressing books without feeling a little blue for days after and prefer to watch things that keep my spirits up and provide a happy escape from the world.

The Double is about a young man who is a glass is half empty or completely empty type of guy. He doesn’t stand up for himself when it comes to his job, his mother, or the girl he’s (not so) secretly in love with.  Enter his doppelgänger who is the complete opposite.  Self-assured, outgoing and not afraid to say what he wants and when he wants it.  And also not afraid to take charge and get the girl.  It was an interesting concept in that,  normally you would feel bad for the main character and be rooting for him to get the girl and the promotion but what you really felt was annoyance that he allowed this guy to walk all over him and constantly play the victim.

It’s a trap I think a lot of us fall into from time to time.  It’s so easy to blame others or our circumstances for what’s happened to us or not happened to us.  But the reality is that the way you live your life and the “good or bad luck” generated is ultimately created by you and your mindset.  Unfortunate things happen to everyone but it’s how you choose to handle it that builds character. I know I used to blame a LOT of my unhappiness on other people, circumstances, or just “bad luck”.  It wasn’t until I dealt with my own insecurities and lack of confidence that I realized that it is no one’s job to make me happy, and until I was happy with myself and who I am, no one would have ever succeeded in making me happy anyway… it was a no win situation for everyone involved.

Anyhow, without giving away too much of the storyline, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the film and how even 2 days after watching it now, it’s still making me think about it’s underlying message.

As Richard Ayoade made his way onto the stage after the film, I honestly felt like I was dreaming because here I am, sitting in a theatre in London, watching one of my favorite British personalities sit down and speak about his new film, like it was just a normal every day thing.  Craziness!!!

Although the questions from the audience were pretty generic, Richard Ayoade answered each one in his usual self-deprecating style.  He has to be one of the most humble and soft-spoken “celebrities”, who doesn’t seem to like taking credit for his amazing work, but rather makes it seem like directing the film  was a breeze because of the talent he had to work with.   After an hour (that seemed like 20 minutes) of answering questions,  the Q&A session wrapped up and it was off to the tube for the long journey home. But not before seeing Noel Fielding,  Richard’s IT crowd co-star, walk out of the theatre.  AWESOME!

All in all a pretty amazing night!! And although I was exhausted the next morning, it was well worth it!

And tomorrow I am off to Trafalgar Square to participate in what is aiming to be the world’s largest pillow fight! Pretty excited, but also hoping I don’t come home covered in feathers, or a concussion from some overzealous pillow fight participants!

Good night London and as always,  thank you for reading!

Krismas x